Register as an Affiliate

Thank you for signing up for our affiliate program! Please fill in all the required info so we could properly evaluate your fit for the program and later on send a test product to you (if eligible). We will review your application and get back to you in 3 office days. Please note that you can only log in to your account after being accepted to the program. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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Register as Affiliate

First Name

Last Name


Your username.

Account Email

Your primary email, used for logging in.


Your primary password, used for logging in.

Payment Email (PayPal)

Your PayPal payment email, to which we will send commission payments. Can be the same as your account email.


How will you promote us?

Let us know a bit about yourself and how you plan on promoting our products.

Your main channels

Make sure your channels (website url, Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, etc), accounts and number of followers.

Your account will need to be approved before you can earn Referrals. You'll receive an email once it's approved.
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